Something interesting happened the other day... Ty and I were rushing around all crazy-like trying to go somewhere. I reminded Ty that he had to take the trash out before we left, so he took it out of the trash can and set it at the top of the stairs. Needless to say, the trash wasn't tied all the way and well, as you can see from the picture; it wasn't pretty:

Oh... and the best part was, we had FISH that week! How wonderful that smelled. Anyway (prepare for yet another corny analogy..), after Ty and I burst into laughter, took some pictures, and made a lame iMovie video about how you shouldn't leave your trash at the top of your stairs (see below), I began thinking about how our trash experience relates to life.
When your life is full of garbage (sin) and you venture in to places that you shouldn't be going, and leave yourself untied (to God, and His house), at one point or the other you will fall and everything that was going on in the inside will regretfully be strewn across the stairs to your freedom. And trust me.. It doesn't smell pretty. The good news is, God is the best and most efficient trash picker-upper (if there is such an occupation). Not only does He sit laughing with you as you pick up the pieces of brokenness you allowed into your life through that sin, but he also has the biggest, baddest incinerator in the world which He likes to call "The Sea of Forgetfulness". Once those things are gone, burned away, we can walk a clear path back to our destiny where He gives us a brand spanking new heart of flesh that beats to the rhythm of His heart. Beautiful, huh?
Well anyway, aside from all that fun stuff, our youth group, Impact Youth, is doing a Walk-a-Thon this Sunday. I get to walk 5 miles! Hooray. =/ So the only time I have walked more than that is about 4 years ago, I was about 17 and definitely did not know God. I had skipped a whole mess of school and my parents found out... So, in an attempt at yet ANOTHER approach to discipline their rebellious daughter (oh I don't blame them... I was a brat), my father had the brilliant idea of something he likes to call "The Walk of Shame" Dun dun duuuunnnnn. Yes, it is as bad as it sounds. He took me all the way up to Ponte Vedra Beach and had me walk all the way back to my house which was in North Jax Beach. For those of you who don't know where that is... it's about 10 miles on the hard, sandy beach. It was long... and sandy... and unpleasant. I started at about 6:30am and ended at about 12:15. And for all you math whizzes out there, I am totally aware that that is like 30 minutes per mile. Ok, I'm not lazy or fat, I was just all mad and stuff and walking slow. Ok?! heh. So anway, I'm somewhat looking forward to walking 5 miles on Sunday. At least I'll have company.
Ok world, I'll be posting more often now, so check back soon.
Stay fabulous. Stay loved.
*Trash on the Stairs (hey that might be a good band name) Check it out: